Repairing Reproducibility: Time for a New Perspective

In a recent study, ATCC reaffirmed experimental reproducibility as a major issue scientists report that affect their career. The study of over 400 researchers noted that concern about reproducibility remains high, with participants estimating monetary waste ranging between $5,000 to $15,000 an average wasted time of 19 days annually. Besides costs and time loss, researchers report a risk to reputation or faith in the scientific enterprise as irreplaceable consequences of the reproducibility problem. The science enterprise has the ability, experience, and motivation to vastly improve reproducibility, but we need a new perspective in order to make a significant impact, quickly.

In this webinar, we will spark a discussion from a highly distinguished panel from different domains of the industry. Together, we will explore the three key areas of scientific research that play a critical role in the reproducibility science, with the aim to arrive at actionable ideas that every scientist can employ today to improve reproducibility in their own research.

To view the on-demand webinar, please fill out the form. You can also explore ATCC's Repairing Reproducibility initiative at

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